V-PIN as an add-on

The Veratad V-PIN (Veratad Personal Identification Number) is a unique identifier assigned to each individual for reliable tracking. This service generates a unique, immutable V-PIN for every individual, creating a consistent reference point irrespective of changes in other personal details.


To get a V-PIN returned just add .VPIN to the end of the service name in your request.

    "user": "username",
    "pass": "password",
    "service": "IDMatch5.0.VPIN",
    "target": {
        // PII Params

Example Output

When V-PIN is active as an add-on to a verification service you will recieve an additional block on response called output which will containt the vpin block and uuid.

"output": {
    "vpin": {
        "uuid": "15ebd7a0-2b4e-4d4b-b2a5-54b5a24becce"

Full Example Response Body

This is what the output block will look like when being returned as an add-on to a verification service transaction.

    "meta": {
        "confirmation": 158032933,
        "timestamp": "2023-09-01 11:34:35",
        "reference": "",
        "user": "user@veratad.com",
        "company": "Veratad Technologies, LLC",
        "service": "PhoneMatch5.0.VPIN"
    "output": {
        "vpin": {
            "uuid": "15ebd7a0-4r5c-4d4b-b2a5-54b5a24becce"
    "result": {
        "action": "REVIEW",
        "issues": [
            "PHONE CHECK FAILED",

Please be aware that in some instances, the V-PIN may be empty.

In an empty case the result will look like the below

"output": {
    "vpin": {}

Last updated