Email Validation
Email validation and risk profiling.
Make an HTTPS POST request with the following body parameters to find out if the target has provided a valid and non high risk email address. You will receive a synchronous response in 2-3 seconds with a result object that includes an action, detail and issues object.
Request Body
Sample Request Body
Action and Detail Responses
The following are all values that will be returned in the result object of the response.
Issues Responses
When a transaction returns as REVIEW then there will be a list of issues. This list can include any of the below values.
EmailMatch+Validate will process with the default base ruleset. Here are the rules:
The base ruleset will return a PASS when:
The email address is deliverable
The email address is low risk
The base ruleset will return a REVIEW when:
The email address is deliverable
The email address has medium risk
The email address has an unknown risk
The base ruleset will return a FAIL when:
The email address is not deliverable
The email address is high risk
API Processing Error Returns
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