Email Validation

Email validation and risk profiling.



Make an HTTPS POST request with the following body parameters to find out if the target has provided a valid and non high risk email address. You will receive a synchronous response in 2-3 seconds with a result object that includes an action, detail and issues object.

Request Body

    "meta": {
        "confirmation": 68651625,
        "reference": null,
        "service": "EmailMatch5.0",
        "timestamp": "2019-10-25 13:48:21",
        "company": "Company, LLC",
        "user": ""
    "result": {
        "action": "REVIEW",
        "issues": [

Sample Request Body

    "user": "USERNAME",
    "pass": "PASSWORD",
    "service": "EmailMatch5.0.Validate",
    "target": {
        "email": ""

Action and Detail Responses

The following are all values that will be returned in the result object of the response.

Issues Responses

When a transaction returns as REVIEW then there will be a list of issues. This list can include any of the below values.


EmailMatch+Validate will process with the default base ruleset. Here are the rules:

The base ruleset will return a PASS when:

  • The email address is deliverable

  • The email address is low risk

The base ruleset will return a REVIEW when:

  • The email address is deliverable

  • The email address has medium risk

  • The email address has an unknown risk

The base ruleset will return a FAIL when:

  • The email address is not deliverable

  • The email address is high risk

API Processing Error Returns

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