Update Customer Status

Once a customer is registered with the document storage system you can update their status stored in the system by making this API call.


POST https://dcams.app/v3/stable/api/storage

This endpoint allows you to update the status of a customer account already registered in the system.

Request Body

    "result": "Success",
    "reference": "888888812",
    "target": {
        "fn": "John",
        "ln": "Smith",
        "addr": "123 Main St",
        "city": "Stratford",
        "state": "CT",
        "zip": "06614",
        "dob": "19700101",
        "email": "test@veratad.com",
        "phone": "2015106000",
        "status": "PASS"

Sample Request Body

"user": "USERNAME",
"pass": "PASSWORD",
"service": "updateStatus",
"target": {
    "email": "test@veratad.com", 
    "status": "PASS"

Request Fields

Response Fields

The response will include all of the target attributes stored within the system for this user and the following varying fields.

Last updated