Canned Responses

The iFrame allows you to get a canned response when using the below last name values in your iFrame build.

NOTE: This will only work if your site has testing_mode active. Talk to your Veratad representative about activating this feature.

If you do not send one of the below last name values then the frame will treat the transaction as if it were live.

Available Cases

Here is an example with one of the canned response last names:

     veratadModal = new veratad.modal({
              region: "United States",
              region_select: true, 
              fn: "John", 
              ln: "dcamspluspass", // set the last name to one of the value below. 
              addr: "123 Main St", 
              city: "Stratford", 
              state: "CT", 
              zip: "12345", 
              dob: "19880212", 
              email: "",
              reference: "tery745f",
              token: token,

Here are the possible values and description:

Last Name



This will result in a instant scan pass - no manual review


This will result in an instant scan failure - no manual review


This will result in an instant scan failure, trigger manual review and manual review will PASS. The manual review response will be delayed by about 90 seconds.


This will result in an instant scan failure, trigger manual review and manual review will FAIL The manual review response will be delayed by about 90 seconds.


This will result in an auto scan pass and a request for a selfie. Once selfie is submitted it will match and the transaction will PASS.


This will result in an auto scan pass and a request for a selfie. Once selfie is submitted it will NOT match and the transaction will FAIL.

The cases for dcamsplusfailmanualpass and dcamsplusfailmanualfail will only work if you have Veratad manual review active.

Last updated