Test Cases

The following are test cases for data matching services in the United States

The cases below reveal the information in the test database for each associated test key. So, for example, if you send test key general_identity and change the targets first name from Barbara to Steve you will then get a FAIL - NO MATCH response.


      "user": "USERNAME",
      "pass": "PASSWORD",
      "service": "VERATAD SERVICE NAME",
      "reference": "12345 {A UNIQUE ID}",
            "ln": "Miller",
            "addr": "123 Main St",
            "city": "Stratford",
            "state": "CT",
            "zip": "06614",
            "dob": "19740821",
            "ssn": "854125698",
            "phone": "2015106000",
            "email": "bmiller@veratad.com",
            "age": "21+",
            "test_key": "general_identity"

If you are using a KBA service and need the answers to the general_identity questions please click the link below.


    "user": "USERNAME",
    "pass": "PASSWORD",
    "service": "VERATAD SERVICE NAME",
    "reference": "12345 {A UNIQUE ID}",
          "ln": "Lincoln",
          "addr": "1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW",
          "city": "Washington",
          "state": "DC",
          "zip": "20500",
          "dob": "19820212",
          "age": "21+",
          "test_key": "deceased2"

Possible Minor

	"user": "USERNAME",
	"pass": "PASSWORD",
	"service": "VERATAD SERVICE NAME",	
    "reference": "12345 {A UNIQUE ID}",
          "ln": "Hardaway",
          "addr": "5 Broadway",
          "city": "New York",
          "state": "NY",
          "zip": "10458",
          "dob": "19750614",
          "ssn": "123456897",
          "age": "21+",
          "test_key": "pos_minor"

Age Not Verified

  "user": "USERNAME",
  "pass": "PASSWORD",
  "service": "VERATAD SERVICE NAME",  
    "reference": "12345 {A UNIQUE ID}",
          "ln": "Jones",
          "addr": "PO Box 451",
          "city": "New York",
          "state": "NY",
          "zip": "10458",
          "dob": "19900215",
          "ssn": "232145987",
          "age": "21+",
          "test_key": "age_not_verified"

Name on Watch List

  "user": "USERNAME",
  "pass": "PASSWORD",
  "service": "IDMatchCOMPLY5.1",
  "reference": "12345",
    "fn":  "Osama",
    "ln":  "Bin Laen",
    "addr": "123 Main St",
    "city": "Anytown",
    "zip":  "12345",
    "dob":  "19700213", 
    "ssn":  "123456789",

Last updated