With KBA Quiz
Age verification via trusted and verified data sources in the United States. This service will also return a KBA quiz for verification.
Make an HTTPS POST request with the following body parameters to find out if the target has provided valid identity attributes and to receive the quiz to present. You will receive a synchronous response in 2-3 seconds with a result object that includes an action, detail and issues object. If any of the provided identity attributes provided did not match you will know during this initial call. Then present the quiz to the user and take their answers and populate them in the template object provided and make a second POST request to get the final result with quiz score.
Request Body
Use the test_key attribute to test the service. When the test_key is provided the system will dynamically drop the live data sources and use the testing database. These transactions are free of charge. To access live data do not send this attribute. The below sample request is one of the available test cases. To access more click the link below.
Sample Request Body
This is the initial query to get the quiz. See below example of how to submit the answers for final scoring and evaluation.
Request with Quiz Answers
Once your user has answered the questions, send those answers back to the system for scoring and a final evaluation.
Submit Answers
Sending a POST request with the below body will give you the final evaluation of the quiz and other identity attributes.
Request Body
Sample Request Body - Quiz Score
Action and Detail Responses
The following are all values that will be returned in the result object of the response.
AgeMatch with KBA will process with the default base ruleset:
The base ruleset will return a PASS when:
A match is found
The target is not deceased
The target meets the age requirement
The user has answered at least 3/4 questions correct
The base ruleset will return a PENDING when:
A match found
The target is not deceased
The age requirement is met
Questions are returned, but not answered yet
The base ruleset will return a FAIL when:
A match is not found or
The target is deceased or
The target does not meet the minimum age requirement
In this case no questions will be provided.
API Processing Error Returns
Each token is only valid for 300 seconds with this service. See the error responses to get information on what happens if a token is bad or expired.
Last updated