Fraud Score
IDMatch+Predict Fraud Score assesses the overall risk of an applicant for a new account.
Make an HTTPS POST request with the following body parameters to find out if the target is a potential fraud risk. You will receive a synchronous response in under 1 second with a result object that includes an action and a detail.
Request Body
Sample Request Body
Action and Detail Responses
The following are all values that will be returned in the result object of the response.
IDMatchPredict5.0.FraudScore will process with the default base ruleset unless a different rule set is specified in the query.
The base ruleset will return a PASS when:
Identity risk score < 50
IP risk score < 60
Identity network score < 60
Days since email first seen date >= 100 days
The base ruleset will return a REVIEW when:
Identity risk score >= 50
IP risk score >= 60
Identity network score >= 60
Days since email first seen date < 100 days
The base ruleset will return a FAIL when:
Identity risk score >= 50 AND IP risk score >= 60 AND Identity network score >= 60 AND days since email first seen date < 100 days
When the test_key is provided the system will dynamically drop the live data sources and use the testing database. These transactions are free of charge. To access live data do not send this attribute. Here are available test cases for the fraud score service.
Last updated